Ensuring a smooth handover between Trustees20/03/2023
Appointed as both Trustee and Scheme Secretary when a US-based Principal Employer closed all UK sites.
Managing a full scheme buy-in as corporate sole trustee25/08/2022
We completed the Scheme’s phased buy-in journey in just under 3 years.
The Art of Challenge18/08/2021
How Ross Trustees can help provide a critical review of the risks and benefits of a project proposal.
The Art of Simplifying the Complex16/08/2021
How we can help simplify complex projects and give trustees the tools and confidence to take advantage of market opportunities.
Interim scheme secretary and governance services (hybrid scheme)21/05/2021
Our approach in providing interim services.
“Mothballing” – A Guide for Trustees29/10/2020
Jo Myerson examines the key considerations for trustees in the event of an employer mothballing its operations.
What is COVID-19 teaching us about running our pension schemes?01/07/2020
Kate Hardingham on the need for Trustee boards to react quickly, co-ordinate advisers and respond to challenges.
Improving member engagement and knowledge through clearer communication20/06/2020
Project-managing an extremely complex member consultation for a Scheme with over sixty participating employers.
Independent Governance Group ("IGG") is the trading name of Ross Trustees Services Limited (07904277), Independent Trustee Services Limited (02567540), Independent Trustee Limited (02473669), Clarity Trustees Limited (12470917), Leadenhall Independent Trustees Limited (02303944) all registered in England and Wales. Registered office address: Westgate House, 9 Holborn, London EC1N 2LL. IC Select Limited (SC331180). Registered office address: DWF LLP, 103 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 7BW.
© 2024 Ensco 1375 Limited, Ross Trustees Services Limited & Independent Trustee Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.
We are audited annually by the Audit and Assurance Faculty (AAF) and are currently AAF 02/07 accredited.